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Culture News of the day by Antje Allroggen, Interview with Frank Drauschke
Feature by Francisca Zecher “History as Business. A Berlin Company researches the history of enterprises.” Interview with Frank Drauschke and Beate Schreiber
Radio feature by Rosemarie Mieder and Gislinde Schwarz, Deutschlandfunk “Margarethe Loebenstein and Hedwig Bollhagen. A daily life story of the Third Reich. Interview with Beate Schreiber on the “Aryanization” of the Ceramic Hael-workshops at Marwitz, near by Berlin.
“Mit Promotion ins Prekariat? Der Arbeitsmarkt für Geisteswissenschaftler”. An interview with Olaf Zimmermann (Head of the “Deutscher Kulturrat”), Beate Schreiber and Stefan Schaede (Research Institute of the “Evangelischen Studiengemeinschaft”, Heidelberg). Moderation by Burkhard Müller-Ullrich
“Keine brotlose Kunst”. Interview about the “Year of the Humanities” and entrepreneurship, Deutschlandfunk Campus und Karriere
A broadcast by Mechthild Lanfermann: A discussion with Beate Schreiber about the success of Facts & Files
Michael Castritius in discussion with Frank Drauschke
Campus & Karriere presents the manifold projects of Facts & Files and introduces the work of our team of historians
“Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” of December 17, 2015
Article on Provenance Research
“This painting belongs to my family” by Eva Gruberová
“Best regards, A. Hitler” of Rudolf Neumaier
“Such a source we did not expect”, said Frank Drauschke, who co-supervised the project for his private historical research institute Facts & Files, Berlin .
“Krigens tabu kom frem i lyset”
of Anna Bech-Danielsen, Interview with: Frank Drauschke, Inga Adriansen, Mikkel Christoffersen
“Treasures from the attic”
by Astrid Herbold
“Crowdsourcing. Anyone can participate: How libraries use Web 2.0”
by Astrid Herbold
“Daddy wrote nothing again”
by Rudolf Neumaier
“That is the material, dissertations are made of”
by Heinz Klein
“History as a good. The company will pay.”
by Christian Staas:
“Facts & Files in Berlin and the office Reder, Roeseling and auditors in Cologne are the most prominent.”
Archyve – kasdieninės karo istorijos
(Archive – daily military history)
“Everyday stories from WWI preserved in massive European archiv”
by Tamsin Walker
“Individuals documenting the First World War”
by Jana Kugoth
Project Launch “The First World War in everyday documents”.
Pictures, letters and memorabilia wanted
Internet Portal collects stories from the First World War.
“The hidden history of 43 000 paintings”
by Christian Herchenröder
by Lisa Zeitz
“Database illuminates dark arts chapter. GNM presents project ‘gallery Heinemann online'”
by Herbert Heinzelmann
“Potsdamer Platz. The wall on the roof”
by Lothar Heinke
“The wall on the roof. Joachim Gauck opens Panoramapunkt”
by Mathias Raabe
“New approaches at the search of lootes art.
Nürnberger Database goes online: Information to 43 000 paintins und 13 000 clients”
by Birgit Ruf
“Forgotten raids. The suppression and isolation of Jewish bankers, industrialists, and entrepreneurs within the Nazi era is still only little researched. An anthology is now introducing some cases from Berlin”
by Judith Luig
“humanities- study – and beyond?
The German Culture Board organizes a congress to labour market culture”
by Gabriele Schulz
“‘Help yourself!’
Aryanization in Berlin: Young Historians reconstructed the History of Expropriations”
by Konstantin Sakkas
“Infobroker – researchers and time savers”
by Raymond Twiesselmann
The Business Idea
“Recovering archival treasures”
“Courage to Face the Past.
Making Money with History is possible”
by Dieter Salzmann
“Enterprisers with esprit”
by Lisa Zimmermann
“La Dresdner Bank assume enfin son passé nazi”
(The Dresdner Bank finally clears its Nazi past)
by Thomas Schnee
“Le business des historiens d’entreprise”
(The business of corporate historians)
by Thomas Schnee
“The business with history”
by Daniel Siemens
“How to make money with history?”
interview by Thomas Röbke
“Eternally yesterday”
by Horst von Buttlar
“www. Youth opposition in East Germany”
review by Danuta Kneipp and Enrico Heitzer
Pictures are sought-after for a photo essay on the history of Berlin soccer”
“Who does remember the Nuxalk Indians?”
by Stefan Seitz
“The victims have been given a name.
Memorial stone at the Donskoje cemetery in Moscow reminds of the 1000 German victims of Stalin’s terror”
by Frank Mangelsdorf
“Exciting document search in dusty rooms”
by Sarah Hemmen
“Kidnapped, arrested and liquidated.
Book of the Dead: 1.000 victims of Stalinist persecution get names”
by Luise Wagner
German victims are identified
“Commemoration book for German victims in Moscow”
(To access the article Online-Abo is reqiuired)
“Scholars plan to publish a Book of the Dead.
Commemoration for German Victims of Stalinist Persecution”
by Andreas Foerster
“History – A Business.
Historians offer knowledge as a service”
by Benedikt Valendar
“Making Money with History”
by Hans Christof Wagner
“Researchers of the Rosenstraße”
by Hans Christof Wagner
“More than just intention is needed.
Debate on Nazi-confiscated cultural issues in Nuremberg”
“L’histoire d’entreprise, plus efficace qu’un slogan publicitaire”
(Corporate history, more efficient than any advertising slogan)
by Thomas Schnee
“Small companies discover their history”
by Ann Katrin Johannsmann
“Facts, Facts, Facts”
by Nadine Kraft
“Historical advice and research for lawyers”
“Company Biographer”
by Burkhard Schmidt
“Additional retrieval of archival information”
“History for an hourly rate”
by Ulf Schönert
“Old Files, new Facts”
by Hans Michael Kloth
“Facts and Files”
by Jens Schley
Apprentices of Market Economies
by Guido Schneider
“In the Universe of the Archivist”
by Constanze v. Bullion
Statement by the Family of Herbert M. Gutmann, January 6, 2020
“Archival Research for Cash”