Culture & Academics

Culture & Academics


Museums and Exhibitions

Museums and other organisations commission Facts & Files to find photos, documents and artefacts for use in exhibitions on specific historical topics.

Archival Service

Facts & Files registers archival holdings and collection items of museums and institutions and organizes unsorted document holdings. It records the data in specially designed databases and collates finding aids. In addition, Facts & Files offers expert consulting on establishing, maintenance, and reorganization of archives.


Facts & Files researches historical sources and accesses previously unknown information to contribute to or create historical publications.

Expertise and Analysis

Facts & Files offers a consultancy service within the framework of international academic research projects. It also takes on the responsibility for the planning and coordination of archival research worldwide. Facts & Files provides historical expertise and analysis on specific focal points and offers advice on research strategies.

Provenance Research
The goal of the project is to research the art collections of Johann Ludwig and Mary Jacoby and Ernst and Cäcilie Holländer, Berlin, to investigate the circumstances of their loss and to determine the whereabouts of the works of art.

Reconstruction of the Art Collections of Johann Ludwig and Mary Jacoby and Cäcilie and Ernst Holländer, Berlin

Provenance Research

The goal of the project is to research the art collections of Johann Ludwig and Mary Jacoby and Ernst and Cäcilie Holländer, Berlin, to investigate the circumstances of their loss and to determine the whereabouts of the works of art.

Provenance Research
This research project aims to research the art collection of Kurt and Gertrud Schülein, Bopfingen and Stuttgart. We will document the circumstances of the loss, determine the whereabouts of the artworks, and research information on the family's persecution.

Research on the Art Collection of Kurt und Gertrud Schülein, Stuttgart

Provenance Research

This research project aims to research the art collection of Kurt and Gertrud Schülein, Bopfingen and Stuttgart. We will document the circumstances of the loss, determine the whereabouts of the artworks, and research information on the family’s persecution.

The project on Dr. Walter Blank's collection began in June 2024 and will end in May 2025. The origin and whereabouts of the artworks in the collection are being researched.

Research on the Art Collection of Dr. Walter Blank, Cologne


The project on Dr. Walter Blank’s collection began in June 2024 and will end in May 2025. The origin and whereabouts of the artworks in the collection are being researched.

Cataloguing of Objects and Museum Concept
Facts & Files was commissioned by Dokumentationszentrum Perleberg Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts in der Prignitz e.V.  with cataloguing of the Hans-Peter and Gisela Freimark's collection in 2023.

GDR History Museum in Perleberg

Cataloguing of Objects and Museum Concept

Facts & Files was commissioned by Dokumentationszentrum Perleberg Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts in der Prignitz e.V.  with cataloguing of the Hans-Peter and Gisela Freimark’s collection in 2023.

Provenance Research The research project aimed to reconstruct the art collection of the Wiesbaden pediatrician Georg Koch and his wife Lotte, née Seeligmann. The project started in January 2021. The works of art, among them works by Alexej Jawlensky, Christian Rohlfs and Emil Nolde, were packed into the lift vans, and

Art Collection of Lotte and Georg Koch, Wiesbaden

Provenance Research

The research project aimed to reconstruct the art collection of the Wiesbaden pediatrician Georg Koch and his wife Lotte, née Seeligmann. The project started in January 2021. The works of art, among them works by Alexej Jawlensky, Christian Rohlfs and Emil Nolde, were packed into the lift vans, and “disappeared” in the port of Hamburg in 1942.

Archival Services
Facts & Files was commissioned by the Berlin Museum of Natural History from 2021 to 2023 to inventories archival records and coordinate the archive project.

Museum of Natural History Berlin

Archival Services

Facts & Files was commissioned by the Berlin Museum of Natural History from 2021 to 2023 to inventories archival records and coordinate the archive project.

Facts & Files was commissioned by the Robert Havemann Association in 2021 with a concept for a feasibility study for the

Forum Opposition

Facts & Files was commissioned by the Robert Havemann Association in 2021 with a concept for a feasibility study for the “Forum for Opposition and Resistance”.

Facts & Files was commissioned in 2021 by the Berlin Commissioner for the Study of the SED Dictatorship to conduct a study on archives from the SBZ or GDR in Berlin.

Archive Study on SBZ/GDR Record Groups

Facts & Files was commissioned in 2021 by the Berlin Commissioner for the Study of the SED Dictatorship to conduct a study on archives from the SBZ or GDR in Berlin.

Facts & Files was commissioned in 2020 by the district office Steglitz-Zehlendorf  to archive the papers of Karl Fischer and to compile an exhibition concept on it.

Exhibition on Karl Fischer

Facts & Files was commissioned in 2020 by the district office Steglitz-Zehlendorf to archive the papers of Karl Fischer and to compile an exhibition concept on it.

Lucas Cranach, der Ältere: Portrait eines Mannes, 1522

Art Collection of August, Serena and Erich Lederer

From February 2020 to July 2022 Facts & Files had been commissioned by Ralf von Jacobs to conduct provenance research on the art collection of August, Serena and Erich Lederer.

Provenance Research
The aim of the project at four East Frisian museums was to reconstruct the provenance of over 600 objects, which have so far mainly been classified as

Objects at East Frisian Museums

Provenance Research

The aim of the project at four East Frisian museums was to reconstruct the provenance of over 600 objects, which have so far mainly been classified as “seafarers’ souvenirs” from China.

Wittenberg, 2020

Provenance Research at Municipal Collections of Lutherstadt Wittenberg

From August 2020 to February 2022, the provenance of objects from the collection of Julius Riemer, which is no part of the Municipal Collections of Lutherstadt Wittenberg was researched. The objects belonged to the Berlin zoologist and mammalogist Oscar R. Neumann before.

Provenance Research The project on the collection of David and Lola Leder, Chemnitz/Berlin, began in June 2021 and ended in August 2022. The project aimed to reconstruct David and Lola Leder's art collection, research the provenance and whereabouts of artworks from the collection, and identify artworks.

Art Collection David and Lola Leder, Chemnitz/Berlin

Provenance Research

The project on the collection of David and Lola Leder, Chemnitz/Berlin, began in June 2021 and ended in August 2022. The project aimed to reconstruct David and Lola Leder’s art collection, research the provenance and whereabouts of artworks from the collection, and identify artworks.

Facts & Files conducted research on the provenance of the painting

Provenance Research on the painting “Women at the Flower Garden” by Emil Nolde

Facts & Files conducted research on the provenance of the painting “Women at the Flower Garden“ from January 2015 to June 2015. Since 1958, the painting was with the collection of the Lehmbruck-Museum in Duisburg. Until 1942 it was in the art collection of Eduard Müller. In 2017, the painting was restituted to the heirs of Eduard Müller.

Launched in 2011, the “Europeana 1914–1918” project is a pan-European collection of personal memorabilia from the First World War
Facts & Files was handling press relations and organised the collection days during which documents and other objects could be digitised.

Europeana 1914-1918

Launched in 2011, the “Europeana 1914–1918” project is a pan-European collection of personal memorabilia from the First World War

Facts & Files was handling press relations and organised the collection days during which documents and other objects could be digitised.

commissioned by the Berlin State Archive
Starting January 2020, Facts & Files had been investigating the provenance of the holdings of the Berlin State Archive’s library. This academic reference library contains about 150,000 records.

Provenance Research on the Library of the Berlin State Archive

commissioned by the Berlin State Archive

Starting January 2020, Facts & Files had been investigating the provenance of the holdings of the Berlin State Archive’s library. This academic reference library contains about 150,000 records.

Archive Project
From 2019 to 2022, Facts & Files was commissioned by the Berlin State Archives to inventorise the record group of minutes of meetings of the Berlin Senate, the municipal administration of Berlin.

Archival Description of the Minutes of the Berlin Senate

Archive Project

From 2019 to 2022, Facts & Files was commissioned by the Berlin State Archives to inventorise the record group of minutes of meetings of the Berlin Senate, the municipal administration of Berlin.

Facts & Files was conducting archival services for the General Secretariat of the German Red Cross from 2013 to 2022.

Archive of the DRK

Facts & Files was conducting archival services for the General Secretariat of the German Red Cross from 2013 to 2022.

On behalf of the University of Cologne, Facts & Files had prepared a report which looks at the entanglement of the National Socialist regime with the university’s charitable foundations, honorary titles and grants awarded to academics and institutes.

Expert Report for the University of Cologne

On behalf of the University of Cologne, Facts & Files had prepared a report which looks at the entanglement of the National Socialist regime with the university’s charitable foundations, honorary titles and grants awarded to academics and institutes.

Facts & Files was conducting research on the provenance of automobiles, motorcycles, trucks and busses which are in the collection of the Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin.

Vehicle Collection of Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin

Facts & Files was conducting research on the provenance of automobiles, motorcycles, trucks and busses which are in the collection of the Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin.

Building of the Wilhelm-Hack-Museum, Ludwigshafen, February 2016 © Facts & Files

Art Collections at the Wilhelm-Hack-Museum in Ludwigshafen

Provenance Research on 323 art objects of the Wilhelm-Hack-Museum in Ludwigshafen (April 2016 to September 2019)

The project focused on medieval art pieces which were acquired by Wilhelm Hack in the 1930s, on the collection of modern art he accumulated in the 1940s, and on Expressionistic art pieces collected by the city of Ludwigshafen.
In cooperation with universities Facts & Files offers seminars for archival research.

Seminars on Archvial Research

In cooperation with universities Facts & Files offers seminars for archival research.

Since January 2015 Facts & Files had been conducting research on sources about the history of the Court of Auditors of the German Reich on behalf of the Federal Court of Auditors. The aim of the survey was to locate sources related to the activities of the Court of Auditors of the German Reich.

The History of the Court of Auditors of the German Reich

Since January 2015 Facts & Files had been conducting research on sources about the history of the Court of Auditors of the German Reich on behalf of the Federal Court of Auditors. The aim of the survey was to locate sources related to the activities of the Court of Auditors of the German Reich.

commissioned by Professor Michael Wala of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum.
Facts & Files conducted research on intelligence and counterintelligence operations of the Ministry for State Security for the research project of Professor Wala. His study was published in October 2023.

Research Project on Counterintelligence during the Cold War

commissioned by Professor Michael Wala of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum.

Facts & Files conducted research on intelligence and counterintelligence operations of the Ministry for State Security for the research project of Professor Wala. His study was published in October 2023.

Facts & Files authored articles in the Putzger Atlas and Chronicles of World History on the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the PUTZGER collection.
This  expanded edition was an unique work of reference and compilation of maps concerning world history.


Facts & Files authored articles in the Putzger Atlas and Chronicles of World History on the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the PUTZGER collection.

This  expanded edition was an unique work of reference and compilation of maps concerning world history.

During the first half of the twentieth century; the official representatives of the British-Indian Government for Sikkim, Bhutan and Tibet compiled comprehensive data on the society of Tibet. Frank Drauschke has collected copies of all ten versions of “Who’s Who in Tibet” from different archives in India, the United Kingdom and the United States. The aim of this project was to compile data from all the different versions into a database.

Who Was Who in Tibet?

During the first half of the twentieth century; the official representatives of the British-Indian Government for Sikkim, Bhutan and Tibet compiled comprehensive data on the society of Tibet. Frank Drauschke has collected copies of all ten versions of “Who’s Who in Tibet” from different archives in India, the United Kingdom and the United States. The aim of this project was to compile data from all the different versions into a database.

The Foundation for Examination of the Dictatorship in East Germany funds several collections and archives which were established by opposition groups and the citizen-movement of the GDR. Commissioned by Stiftung zur Aufarbeitung der SED-Diktatur, Facts & Files made an evaluation of their holdings and made suggestions for the conservation and proper registration of archival materials.

Archives of the Opposition in East Germany

The Foundation for Examination of the Dictatorship in East Germany funds several collections and archives which were established by opposition groups and the citizen-movement of the GDR. Commissioned by Stiftung zur Aufarbeitung der SED-Diktatur, Facts & Files made an evaluation of their holdings and made suggestions for the conservation and proper registration of archival materials.

“Myth Führerbunker”, published in September 2003 by the publishing house Giebel Verlag, is a study by the journalist and historian Sven Felix Kellerhoff. Facts & Files assisted the author with the research on historical documents regarding the “Führerbunker”.

Myth Führerbunker

“Myth Führerbunker”, published in September 2003 by the publishing house Giebel Verlag, is a study by the journalist and historian Sven Felix Kellerhoff. Facts & Files assisted the author with the research on historical documents regarding the “Führerbunker”.

Facts & Files did research for the project

History of the Commerzbank from 1870 to 1958

Facts & Files did research for the project “History of the Commerzbank from 1870 until 1958” of the Chair of Contemporary History of the Humboldt University, Berlin, at German archives and the “Special Archive Moscow”.

Facts & Files was commissiond by the graphical designers Wangler & Abele to do research on Moses Mabhida. Facts & Files researched Mabhida’s biography, quotations, and photos of him.

2010 FIFA World Cup – Research on Moses Mabhida

Facts & Files was commissiond by the graphical designers Wangler & Abele to do research on Moses Mabhida. Facts & Files researched Mabhida’s biography, quotations, and photos of him.

In 2010, the city of Berlin celebrated the sciences with an exhibition at the Martin-Gropius-Bau.
 Facts & Files conducted research on scholars and scientists who had worked in Berlin. We traced their papers, footage and audio material and researched exhibits.

Exhibition WeltWissen

In 2010, the city of Berlin celebrated the sciences with an exhibition at the Martin-Gropius-Bau.

 Facts & Files conducted research on scholars and scientists who had worked in Berlin. We traced their papers, footage and audio material and researched exhibits.

Research at German Archives
Facts & Files inventories records for the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM), Washington D.C. within the framework of the

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Research at German Archives

Facts & Files inventories records for the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM), Washington D.C. within the framework of the “USHMM International Acquisitions Program”.

Facts & Files searched for files which contain new information about the background and the protagonists of the confiscation of Jewish property in Austria after the 1938 annexation.

History of the Degussa-Hüls Corporation

Facts & Files searched for files which contain new information about the background and the protagonists of the confiscation of Jewish property in Austria after the 1938 annexation.

Travelling Exhibition

Travelling Exhibition “Shot in Moscow…”

German Victims of Stalinism at the Moscow Cemetery Donskoje 1950-1953 The Exhibition In addition to the book the travelling exhibition is designed to introduce to the public for the first …

The Interactive Map of Europe – German Life in Middle and East Europe provides an insight in regions, in which Germans were settled – often since the Middle Ages. This multitouch table shows 58 single animations with a duration time of three hours.

The Interactive Map of Europe

The Interactive Map of Europe – German Life in Middle and East Europe provides an insight in regions, in which Germans were settled – often since the Middle Ages. This multitouch table shows 58 single animations with a duration time of three hours.

Founded in 1872, the Munich based Galerie Heinemann was one of the most important German art dealing companies until it got

Galerie Heinemann Online

Founded in 1872, the Munich based Galerie Heinemann was one of the most important German art dealing companies until it got “aryanized” by the National Socialists in 1938.

The German victims of Stalinism

“Shot in Moscow …”

The German victims of Stalinism

“Shot in Moscow…” was an international project funded by the Federal Foundation for the Study of the Communist Dictatorship in Germany, Berlin. In 2024, we published an online edition of the biographies.

Research Project on German Victims of Stalinism

Research Project “Erschossen in Moskau …” (Shot in Moscow…)

Research Project on German Victims of Stalinism

“Shot in Moscow…” was an international research project, supported by the Foundation for Examination of the Dictatorship in East Germany.

Facts & Files conducted background research for the novel by Johannes K. Soyener  in several German archives on the sinking of the

Research for the book “Sturmlegende” by Johannes K. Soyener

Facts & Files conducted background research for the novel by Johannes K. Soyener  in several German archives on the sinking of the “Pamir” in 1957.

commissioned by the Foundation

Database on Jewish Residents in Germany from 1933 to 1945

commissioned by the Foundation “Remembrance, Responsibility and Future” and the Federal Archives

Facts & Files researched the backgrounds of Jewish emigrants, who were forced by the National Socialists to leave the German Reich after 1933.

Facts & Files conducted research at German archives on the persecution of Jews in North Africa during World War II. The American scholar and author Robert Satloff used these information for his study on Arabs who helped to save Jews from persecution.

Research for the book “Among the Righteous” by Robert Satloff

Facts & Files conducted research at German archives on the persecution of Jews in North Africa during World War II. The American scholar and author Robert Satloff used these information for his study on Arabs who helped to save Jews from persecution.

Facts & Files conducted research on the German tax authorities and the looting of Jews in Hesse and Berlin during the Nazi Era for an exhibition at the German Historical Museum in Berlin.

Exhibition “Legalized Robbery”

Facts & Files conducted research on the German tax authorities and the looting of Jews in Hesse and Berlin during the Nazi Era for an exhibition at the German Historical Museum in Berlin.

Facts & Files was commissioned by the Sachsenhausen Memorial and Museum to conduct research on prisoners of the special camps.

Permanent Exhibition About the Special Camps of the Soviet Occupational Forces from 1945 to 1950

Facts & Files was commissioned by the Sachsenhausen Memorial and Museum to conduct research on prisoners of the special camps.

Facts & Files was commissioned by Professor Dr. Constantin Goschler and Professor Dr. Michael Wala of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum to conduct research on biographies of former staff members of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz).

The History of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution

Facts & Files was commissioned by Professor Dr. Constantin Goschler and Professor Dr. Michael Wala of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum to conduct research on biographies of former staff members of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz).

Since August 2002 Facts & Files has been inventorizing objects of the collection of the Jewish Museum Berlin.

Collection Inventory of the Jewish Museum Berlin

Since August 2002 Facts & Files has been inventorizing objects of the collection of the Jewish Museum Berlin.

As part of the application for recognition as a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site in 2012, Facts & Files prepared a study of the area’s High Middle Ages history. In 2018, the Naumburg Cathedral became World Heritage site.

World Heritage at the Saale and Unstrut Rivers and the Naumburg Cathedral

As part of the application for recognition as a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site in 2012, Facts & Files prepared a study of the area’s High Middle Ages history. In 2018, the Naumburg Cathedral became World Heritage site.

The Restitution Files database provided online information on more than 800,000 files from the Berlin Restitution Offices, which had been processing restitution claims from victims of Nazi persecution in the western part of the Berlin since 1949 on the basis of the Restitution Order (REAO).

WGA-Files Project

The Restitution Files database provided online information on more than 800,000 files from the Berlin Restitution Offices, which had been processing restitution claims from victims of Nazi persecution in the western part of the Berlin since 1949 on the basis of the Restitution Order (REAO).

The Tutankhamun exhibition breaks new ground in the presentation of acient Egypt history.
Facts & Files researched footage, illustrations and photographs, and created educational material, such as student work sheets.

Tutankhamun – His Tomb and Its Treasures

The Tutankhamun exhibition breaks new ground in the presentation of acient Egypt history.

Facts & Files researched footage, illustrations and photographs, and created educational material, such as student work sheets.

Facts & Files was commissioned by the Hannah-Arendt Institute for Research on Totalitarianism, Dresden, to conduct an archive survey on records of the Dresdner Bank.

History of the Dresdner Bank

Facts & Files was commissioned by the Hannah-Arendt Institute for Research on Totalitarianism, Dresden, to conduct an archive survey on records of the Dresdner Bank.

Provenance Research
Herbert M. Gutmann (1879-1942) collected paintings, porcelain, tapestries, and antiques. Mr. Gutmann was a collector of Dutch landscape as well as French and German Rococo paintings. Mr. Gutmann also collected Asian porcelain, Persian sculpture and porcelain.

Art Collection of Herbert M. Gutmann

Provenance Research

Herbert M. Gutmann (1879-1942) collected paintings, porcelain, tapestries, and antiques. Mr. Gutmann was a collector of Dutch landscape as well as French and German Rococo paintings. Mr. Gutmann also collected Asian porcelain, Persian sculpture and porcelain.

Facts & Files was commissioned by the International Commission on Holocaust Era Insurance Claims (ICHEIC) to research information on life insurance policies purchased by European Jews before WWII. The project started in 2000 and was finished in 2003.

Research on Dispossession of Life Insurance Policies

Facts & Files was commissioned by the International Commission on Holocaust Era Insurance Claims (ICHEIC) to research information on life insurance policies purchased by European Jews before WWII. The project started in 2000 and was finished in 2003.


“Führer Museum Linz”

In 2008, Facts & Files was commissioned by the Federal Office for Central Services and Unresolved Property Issues (BADV) to conduct provenance research on 181 water colours, drawings, sculptures, and paintings.

Ostende, Kabelverlegung durch Zwangsarbeiter, 1941.

Expert Reports on Forced Labour

Facts & Files was commissioned by the foundation “Remembrance, Responsibility and Future” to produce expert reports on Jewish forced labor during the time of National Socialism in various European and North African states, such as Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco.

Advertisement for Auction at Paul Graupe Berlin, 1935.

Documentation on Berlin Art Auctions

Facts & Files compiled a database on Berlin auctions of art and cultural assets between 1933 and 1945. The auction files are preserved at the Berlin State Archives.

Commissioned by the Federal Agency for Political Education and Robert Havemann Society, Berlin, is a German multimedia website focused on resistance and opposition of young people against the repressive East German government.

Website “Youth Opposition in the GDR”

Commissioned by the Federal Agency for Political Education and Robert Havemann Society, Berlin, is a German multimedia website focused on resistance and opposition of young people against the repressive East German government.

Citizen Science & Crowdsourcing
Europeana Transcribe is the crowdsourcing platform for European cultural heritage on to for enriching, transcribing, annotating or geo-tagging of historical documents.

Europeana Transcribe

Citizen Science & Crowdsourcing

Europeana Transcribe is the crowdsourcing platform for European cultural heritage on to for enriching, transcribing, annotating or geo-tagging of historical documents.

In 2020 the Free State of Saxony celebrated 500 years of industrial culture.
The project

Saxony at Work. Digital Industrial Culture

In 2020 the Free State of Saxony celebrated 500 years of industrial culture.

The project “Saxony at Work. Digital Industrial Culture” collected and transcribed historical sources online.

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