Provenance Research on the Library of the Berlin State Archive
commissioned by the Berlin State Archive
The library of the Berlin City Archive (until 1945) as well as the integrated libraries of the City Archive Berlin (East) and State Archive Berlin (West) (divided until 1990) needed to be evaluated.
The aim of the project was to identify and document Nazi-looted property in the archival library. The focus was on the investigation of suspicious facts regarding the unlawful confiscation of property during the Nazi era.
The provenance information on books from the Berlin State Archives Library are published online on LootedCulturalAssets here. The LCA Database is a collaboration projekts of libraries in Germany.
The reports on the provenance research were published online.
In 2022, the Yearbook of the States Archives Berlin published an article by Beate Schreiber about the results on the provenance research at the library of the States Archives Berlin.
Edited by Werner Breunig and Uwe Schaper
Gebr. Mann Verlag, Berlin
466 p., ISBN 978-3-7861-2885-4