History of the Commerzbank from 1870 to 1958
Facts & Files did research for the project “History of the Commerzbank from 1870 until 1958” of the Chair of Contemporary History of the Humboldt University, Berlin, at German archives and the “Special Archive Moscow”.
The records of Commerzbank, the third largest bank during the Weimar Era, have only been partially preserved. In July 1999 and in spring 2001, Facts & Files researched files related to the history of the Commerzbankat at various German archives and the “Special Archive Moscow”.
The study on “Aryanization” by the Commerzbank was published in 2004: Ludolf Herbst u. Thomas Weihe (Hrsg.): Die Commerzbank und die Juden 1933–1945, München 2004.
Review by Martin Münzel: