Exhibition Tutankhamun - His Tomb and Its Treasures
In 2007, Facts & Files was commissioned by Semmel Concerts to research footage for the exhibition on Tutankhamun. In 1922, the British archaeologist Howard Carter discovered the tomb of the Egyptian king in the Valley of the Kings.
Facts & Files conducted research on related footage, illustrations and photographs. We produced educational material, such as student work sheets and a card-game.
More information on the exhibition: www.tut-ausstellung.com
High-res scans of the walls of the chamber http://www.highres.factum-arte.org/Tutankhamun/
To discover the archive of Howard Carter please go to http://www.griffith.ox.ac.uk/discoveringTut/

Beate Schreiber
P: +49 (0)30 / 480 986 20