History Communications

History Communications


History Communication is PR for projects on historical topics. History Communication is about how new historical projects are reported in the media and how public attention could be produced.

Facts & Files produces concepts, advises on implementation and connects to interviewees especially contemporary witnesses.

Cataloguing of Objects and Museum Concept
Facts & Files was commissioned by Dokumentationszentrum Perleberg Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts in der Prignitz e.V.  with cataloguing of the Hans-Peter and Gisela Freimark's collection in 2023.

GDR History Museum in Perleberg

Cataloguing of Objects and Museum Concept

Facts & Files was commissioned by Dokumentationszentrum Perleberg Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts in der Prignitz e.V.  with cataloguing of the Hans-Peter and Gisela Freimark’s collection in 2023.

Facts & Files was conducting research on vocational training and professions in East Germany for the online multi media project DDR-Box.



Facts & Files was conducting research on vocational training and professions in East Germany for the online multi media project DDR-Box.

Facts & Files was commissioned in 2020 by the district office Steglitz-Zehlendorf  to archive the papers of Karl Fischer and to compile an exhibition concept on it.

Exhibition on Karl Fischer

Facts & Files was commissioned in 2020 by the district office Steglitz-Zehlendorf to archive the papers of Karl Fischer and to compile an exhibition concept on it.

Building at Berlin, Hohenzollernkorso 11, now Manfred-von-Richthofenstrasse, undated

Research on Julio Metal

Julio Metal was a banker and investor, who lived in Berlin and Vienna. His property was “aryanized” after 1933. He fled to the USA in 1938. His granddaughter produced the podcast “Recovering Julio” about the history of her family and Julio Metal.

Launched in 2011, the “Europeana 1914–1918” project is a pan-European collection of personal memorabilia from the First World War
Facts & Files was handling press relations and organised the collection days during which documents and other objects could be digitised.

Europeana 1914-1918

Launched in 2011, the “Europeana 1914–1918” project is a pan-European collection of personal memorabilia from the First World War

Facts & Files was handling press relations and organised the collection days during which documents and other objects could be digitised.

The German victims of Stalinism

“Shot in Moscow …”

The German victims of Stalinism

“Shot in Moscow…” was an international project funded by the Federal Foundation for the Study of the Communist Dictatorship in Germany, Berlin. In 2024, we published an online edition of the biographies.

The Tutankhamun exhibition breaks new ground in the presentation of acient Egypt history.
Facts & Files researched footage, illustrations and photographs, and created educational material, such as student work sheets.

Tutankhamun – His Tomb and Its Treasures

The Tutankhamun exhibition breaks new ground in the presentation of acient Egypt history.

Facts & Files researched footage, illustrations and photographs, and created educational material, such as student work sheets.

Soccer has been played in Berlin for more than 100 years. Facts & Files compiled a photo book on Berlin's soccer history, published by the Berlin publishing house Nicolai Verlag Berlin in spring 2006.

Photo Book on the History of Soccer in Berlin from 1880 to 2006

Soccer has been played in Berlin for more than 100 years. Facts & Files compiled a photo book on Berlin’s soccer history, published by the Berlin publishing house Nicolai Verlag Berlin in spring 2006.

Commissioned by the Federal Agency for Political Education and Robert Havemann Society, Berlin, www.jugendopposition.de is a German multimedia website focused on resistance and opposition of young people against the repressive East German government.

Website “Youth Opposition in the GDR”

Commissioned by the Federal Agency for Political Education and Robert Havemann Society, Berlin, www.jugendopposition.de is a German multimedia website focused on resistance and opposition of young people against the repressive East German government.

Citizen Science & Crowdsourcing
Europeana Transcribe is the crowdsourcing platform for European cultural heritage on Transcribathon.eu to for enriching, transcribing, annotating or geo-tagging of historical documents.

Europeana Transcribe

Citizen Science & Crowdsourcing

Europeana Transcribe is the crowdsourcing platform for European cultural heritage on Transcribathon.eu to for enriching, transcribing, annotating or geo-tagging of historical documents.

Workers on the Radio Tower in Königs Wusterhausen

Concept for the City of Königs Wusterhausen

Facts & Files commissioned by the City of Königs Wusterhausen to develop a concept how to communicate the city’s history.

Facts & Files was commissioned by WorldSkills Germany e.V. to conduct research on the history of (West) German participation in International Vocational Training Competitions (IVTC) since 1953.

Exhibition Worldskills

Facts & Files was commissioned by WorldSkills Germany e.V. to conduct research on the history of (West) German participation in International Vocational Training Competitions (IVTC) since 1953.

The #BigArtRide project is a part of the Europeana280 campaign to launch the Europeana Art History Collection and celebrate the 2016 Dutch Presidency of the EU.

#BigArtRide #Europeana280

The #BigArtRide project is a part of the Europeana280 campaign to launch the Europeana Art History Collection and celebrate the 2016 Dutch Presidency of the EU.

Facts & Files curated an open air exhibition at the Panoramapunkt Berlin.  

The exhibition's topic is the history of the legendary Berlin square Potsdamer Platz.

“Views of Berlin at Potsdamer Platz”

Facts & Files curated an open air exhibition at the Panoramapunkt Berlin.  

The exhibition’s topic is the history of the legendary Berlin square Potsdamer Platz.

The history of the German  Food, Beverages and Catering Union (NGG) was researched by Facts & Files from 2014 to 2016. NGG is the oldest union in Germany.

150 Years of NGG

The history of the German  Food, Beverages and Catering Union (NGG) was researched by Facts & Files from 2014 to 2016. NGG is the oldest union in Germany.

In 2020 the Free State of Saxony celebrated 500 years of industrial culture.
The project

Saxony at Work. Digital Industrial Culture

In 2020 the Free State of Saxony celebrated 500 years of industrial culture.

The project “Saxony at Work. Digital Industrial Culture” collected and transcribed historical sources online.

We made history
Europeana, Europe's digital library, museum and archive, has launched a project titled 'Europeana 1989'. People across Europe are invited to share their experiences, stories and memorabilia from the time of the fall of the Iron Curtain in a digital archive.

Europeana 1989

We made history

Europeana, Europe’s digital library, museum and archive, has launched a project titled ‘Europeana 1989’. People across Europe are invited to share their experiences, stories and memorabilia from the time of the fall of the Iron Curtain in a digital archive.

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