Our Services
Our service portfolio includes research, presentation of historical topics to the public, and our archival services.
We are working not only in Germany, but also worldwide.
Here is a brief overview: Facts & Files develops plans for strategic research (to know where to look for), produces research results digital and as databases, checks historical and biographical facts, transcribes documents, edits pictures, and produces oral history interviews.
We are drafting projects designs for History Communication, working as consultants and are organizing events, especially crowdsourcing collecting days. Also, we are archiving various materials, from photos over footage to records and digital files and producing finding aids. We are supporting archives to present their holdings online to the public.
Facts & Files is commissioned by museums, families and lawyers to conduct provenance research on works of arts, books, objects and assets.
The results of our work are presented online, in exhibitions, as a book or in expert reports.
History Communication is making historical topics and information available for the public. Facts & Files is organizing crowdsourcing campaigns to collect historical materials or to transcribe handwritten documents as part of Citizen Science initiatives.
For legal proceedings and litigation, Facts & Files researches historical background information or documents and provides expert reports on various historical issues and questions.
Facts & Files is doing fact checking, prepares historical background information to be used for books, online projects, movies or podcasts by journalists and authors. Facts & Files produces teaching resources for movies, online projects and documentaries.
We are curating exhibitions and writing publications. We are organising archives and objects in museums, conducting research and providing historical expertise to academic institutions and museums.
Companies and associations authorize Facts & Files to uncover details from their history. Facts & Files assists companies and associations to set up their own archives or consults how to maintain them.