"Berliner Blicke auf den Potsdamer Platz"
An exhibition about the historical development of this legendary Berlin square, located at the PANORAMAPUNKT. The permanent exhibition “Views of Berlin at Potsdamer Platz” was opened on 15 July 2010 with a greeting by Joachim Gauck and the “Flying Wall” event.
The exhibition about the historical development of this legendary Berlin square is based on the concept of the historians of Facts & Files. As result of an intensive research in numerous archives and libraries, the multimedia-based exhibition and the accompanying film by Britta Wauer present the moving fate of the only Berlin square with cosmopolitan flair. 20 panels with concise texts and impressive, partly unknown photographs take the visitor on a stroll through 180 years of Berlin and world history that always had big impact on this square and caused its enormous changes.
An original piece of the Berlin Wall, the worldwide highest, is a highlight of the exhibition. In addition to the exhibition a catalogue and an audio-guide are being offered.
Exhibition panels
- Von der grünen Wiese zum Weltstadtplatz / From a quiet green to the pulsing heart of a „world city“
- Verkehrsreichster Platz Europas / The busiest junction in Europe
- Luxus und Vergnügen / Luxury and entertainment
- Vom Grand Hotel zum Bürohochhaus/ From a Grand Hotel to an Office Block
- Vom Größenwahn zum Trümmermeer / From megalomania to a sea of rubble
- Berlin in Schutt und Asche / Berlin in ruins
- Schwarzmarkt und Sektorengrenzen / The black market and the border lines
- Panzer auf dem Potsdamer Platz / Tanks on Potsdamer Platz
- Mauerbau/ The building of the Berlin Wall
- Beton und Stacheldraht / Concrete and barbed wire
- Flucht über die Mauer / Escaping over the wall
- Propagandaschlacht / A propaganda war
- Steppe im Herzen der Stadt / An urban wasteland
- Die Mauer fällt / The fall of the Berlin Wall
- Europas größte Baustelle / Europe’s biggest construction site
- Was ist wo? / What’s where?
- Der Potsdamer Platz damals und heute / Potsdamer Platz then and now
- Unter dem Pflaster / Beneath the streets
- Künstlertreff Café Josty / Café Josty and the artistic community