Facts & Files Digital Services
Think History – Go Digital!
Facts & Files Digital Services GmbH is developing digital tools for crowdsourcing projects at GLAM institutions, companies and municipalities. The company was founded in May 2018. One of its first projects was the further development of www.transcribathon.eu.
The online portal Transcribathon.eu is a crowdsourcing and citizen science project for describing, annotating, transcribing and geo-referencing historical collections. The idea behind the transcription tool is to make handwritten sources more usable. This creates a competition between all registered users: the Transcribathon. The website is free and open to all.
How can museums, libraries, archives and other institutions participate?
Institutions have the opportunity to make parts of their digitized collection available on Transcribathon.eu and start their own project. To do so, please contact us! Our projects „EnrichEuropeana“, „Sachsen at Work“ and „EnrichEuropeanaPlus“ will give you a good idea of how your institution can benefit from our community. With users from all over Europe and a collection of 321,000 documents in various languages, Transcribathon.eu has a wide reach and the know-how to support your organization’s digital strategy.
In 2024, Transcribathon has also introduced another technical innovation: documents outside the Europeana platform can be processed at Transcribathon, as the Facts & Files Digital Services team has set up an upload function and an IIIF server. So if you know of anyone who would like to have their documents processed by the crowd, please get in touch.
What’s so special about Transcribathon.eu?
First of all, it’s a competition. Second, the users are not working alone. Third, all transcription are accessible for all users. And last, but not least: the transcriptions can be reviewed.
By enriching digitised heritage material, crowdsourcers can transform their data into useful digital resources. Creating machine-readable enrichments opens up new possibilities for the analysis, distribution and reuse of that material. Information that was previously only available in image formats can now be turned into text and rich data. Transcription and enrichment open up new possibilities for digital inclusion, enabling the text and data to be translated and automatically converted to audio, tactile graphics and braille.
In 2021, the EnrichEuropeanaPlus project began to update the Transcribathon platform with advanced handwriting recognition technology Transkribus, developed by READ-COOP. At the end of 2022, the new platform was launched.
May 23, 2023: Honorary Mention European Union Prize for Citizen Science
Jury Statement: „Europeana gives access to millions of cultural heritage items from institutions across Europe such as libraries, archives, museums or galleries. All of them share their media such as images, music or texts with a network of aggregating citizen scientists who enrich it with additional information. This hard work is designed as a creative, fresh as well as thought-provoking process, that in an unorthodox way empowers us to critically engage with our cultural heritage.“
December 20, 2022: Post by Fiona Park, Content Manager READ-COOP SCE, and Philip Kahle, Software Developer, READ COOP on Europeana Pro: Handwriting recognition technology enhances the Transcribathon platform
23.02.2021 10:10 Citizen Science: In 24 Stunden 140 historische Handschriften zur sächsischen Industriegeschichte entziffert Madlen Domaschke Wissenschaftliches Sekretariat Sorbisches Institut / Serbski Institut
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Facts & Files Digital Services GmbH
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F: +49-(0)30-48098629
E: mail@factsandfiles.com
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Managing Directors: Frank Drauschke, Beate Schreiber