Travelling Exhibition "Shot in Moscow..."
German Victims of Stalinism at the Moscow Cemetery Donskoje 1950-1953
The Exhibition
In addition to the book the travelling exhibition is designed to introduce to the public for the first time the up to now unknown happenings regarding the execution of almost 1,000 Germans in Moscow as well as the historical context. Decades had went by in which the families of the victims had gotten no information about the whereabouts of their relatives. For many of them, only the book and the exhibition bring certainty about the fate of the missing.
The exhibition shows historical documents, more than 500 portraits of victims, as well as current photographs of former locations like prisons in Berlin and Moscow.
Exhibition Concept
The outward walls of the exhibit introduce the general ordeal of the victims, the methods of prosecution, arresting, and conviction plus the following transportation of the doomed people by the MGB to Moscow and the execution in the prison Butyrka. Furthermore, you can find here information about the long and vain search of the families and about the final clarification with means of the research project. Five of the inner screens show “typical” groups of victims of the secret service during the time of the Cold War. They offer details, for example, about the resistance of students from a Altenburg High School and universities in Berlin and Rostock. The two middle screens inside the “cell” show the name and biographical data of the 927 people who were shot in Moscow.
Exhibition Schedule
The exhibition is currently on view at the DDR-Museum Perleberg.
January 21, 2015 to January 20, 2016 | Gedenk- und Begegnungsstätte Leistikowstraße Potsdam | |
April 27, 2014 | Gedenkstätte Bautzner Straße, Dresden | |
November 18 to December 15, 2013 | Altes Archiv des Erfurter Rathauses | |
November 17 to December 15, 2009 | University of Graz | |
October 16 to November 13, 2009 | Niederösterreichisches Landesarchiv St. Pölten | |
May 30/31, 2009 | Humboldt University Berlin | |
October 21 to November 24, 2008 | Church of St. Mary in Grossenhain | |
June 17 to October 15, 2008 | Memorial of German Partitition Marienborn | |
April 18 to June 16, 2008 | Memorial Museum Moritzplatz Magdeburg | |
March 6 to April 15, 2008 | Memorial Place Point Alpha | |
January 24 – March 5, 2008 | City Hall of Chemnitz | |
December 6, 2007 – January 21, 2008 | State Archives Hamburg | |
November 5 – November 30, 2007 | University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde | |
September 10 – Oktober 4, 2007 | Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom, Truman House, Potsdam |
July 10 – September 4, 2007 | Documentation and Information Centre (DIZ) Torgau | |
June 11 – July 6, 2007 | City Hall of the Hanseatic city Rostock | |
May 2 – June 4, 2007 | Sparkasse Vogtland in Oelsnitz (Saxonia) | |
March 23 – April 28, 2007 | “Runde Ecke” Memorial Museum, Leipzig | |
Sept. 23 – Nov. 3, 2006 | “Roter Ochse” Memorial Museum, Halle | |
Aug. 21 – Sep. 22, 2006 | Parliament of Thuringia, Erfurt | |
June 20 – July 30, 2006 | Landgericht Schwerin | |
May 5 – June 18, 2006 | Bautzen Memorial | |
April 1 – May 2, 2006 | Memorial Hohenschönhausen, Berlin | |
March 9 – March 29, 2006 | Vertretung des Freistaates Thüringen beim Bund, Berlin |